CSS Tutorial

Viewport Meta


The viewport meta tag allows you to control the viewport (the visible area of the browser window) for responsive layouts. It is essential for ensuring that your website displays correctly on all devices and screen sizes.

Practical Steps

  • Add the Viewport Meta Tag to the <head> of Your HTML Document: <meta name="viewport" content="...">
  • Set the Width and Height Settings:
    • width=device-width: Sets the viewport's width to the device's screen width.
    • height=device-height: Sets the viewport's height to the device's screen height.
  • Set the Zoom Settings:
    • initial-scale=1.0: Sets the initial zoom level to 100%.
    • maximum-scale=1.0: Prevents the user from zooming in beyond 100%.
    • user-scalable=no: Disables user zooming.


<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Accessibility and Ease of Use

The viewport meta tag can also be used to improve accessibility and ease of use:

  • Content Scaling: Set text-size-adjust=none to prevent text from scaling with device zooming.
  • Font Size: Use font-size=100% to ensure that the font size is consistent across devices.
  • Touch Events: Set user-scalable=no to disable touch events on elements that require precise touch interactions (e.g., sliders).


The viewport meta tag is a powerful tool for creating responsive layouts and improving the user experience on all devices. By following these practical steps, you can optimize your website's viewport for optimal performance and accessibility.